Identification. The name "Bosnia" is derived from the Bosna River, which cuts through the region.
Identification. Formerly Bechuanaland Protectorate under the British, Botswana became independent in 1966.
In Portuguese, Brasil; its citizens are Brasileiros or Brasileiras depending on gender.
Identification. The British Virgin Islands (BVI) is part of the Virgin Islands archipelago, which also includes the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) of Saint Thomas, Saint John, and Saint Croix.
Identification. Brunei Darussalam is a multiethnic society in which one ethnic group, the Barunay, has a monopoly of political power.
Bulgar, from the Bulgarian bu'lgar (Bulgarian person). In English, "Bulgar" is usually used only for the central Asian ancestors of the modern Bulgarians.
Identification. In 1984, Thomas Sankara's revolutionary government changed the name Upper Volta to Burkina Faso, thus discarding the name the French had given their former colony.
Identification. The name of the country of Burma (or Myanmar, as it is now officially known) is associated with the dominant ethnic group, the Burmese.
Identification. Burundi has to two distinct ethnic groups: the Hutu and the Tutsi.
Identification. The name "Cambodia" derives from the French Cambodge, which comes from the Khmer word Kâmpuchea, meaning "born of Kambu." During the socialist regimes of Democratic Kampuchea (DK) (1975–1979) and the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) (1979–1989), the country was known internationally as Kampuchea, but more recent governments have returned to using Cambodia, and the official name in English is now the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Identification. The name of the country derives from the term used for the Wouri River by Portuguese explorers.
Identification. The name Canada is derived from the Iroquoian word kanata, which means village.
Identification. The islands are named for the Cap Vert peninsula in West Africa, the nearest land formation.
Identification. Christopher Columbus discovered the Cayman Islands on 10 May 1503 when his ships were blown off course by strong winds.
Identification. The official name of the country is the République Centrafricaine (CAR).
Identification. Chad is a vast, ethnically diverse African country.
Identification. There exist different explanations about the origins of the name "Chile." The most accepted one is that it is derived from the native Aymará word chilli meaning "the land where the earth ends." Chile is considered to be one of the most homogeneous nations of Latin America in both ethnic and cultural terms.
The Chinese call their country Zhonghua Renmmin Gogheguo, or Zhong Guo for short.
Identification. Since declaring independence on 20 July 1810 and achieving it in 1819, Colombia has changed its name seven times.
Identification. Comorian residents call their Country Masiwa, "the islands," or refer to the individual name of each island.
Congo (Kinshasa)—which distinguishes this country from the other Congo, which is often called Congo (Brazzaville). Formerly: Zaire, Zairians, Belgian Congo, Congo (Léopoldville).
Identification. The Kongo Kingdom was one of the great early empires in central Africa.
Identification. The country is named after Captain James Cook, who landed there in 1773.
Identification. In 1502, Columbus stopped near present-day Limón, Costa Rica.