The corner of L’Arebàa Nayth Erathan or the corner of Sidi Siddiq Ben Iraj is one of the corners in Algeria of the Methodist Methodist Way in the throne of Ayth Erathan around the Municipality of Wednesday Naith Erathan on Wednesday Wednesday Naith Erathan in Tizi Ouzou province in the Zawyet tribal region.
The corner of Wednesday was founded by the noble scholar Sir Sidi Siddiq bin Ira’at al-Iraithani in a village of the throne of Ayth Erathan in the Zawyet tribal region of Algeria.
Sheikh Sidi al-Siddiq ibn al-Ira’ani had graduated from al-Azhar al-Sharif and returned with great science and culture, and taught him the hands of Mr. Ammad bin Abdul Rahman al-Azhari at the beginning of his command.
The disciples of “Sidi Siddiq Ben Ira’ani” were the leaders of the resistance to the French occupation in the area of the throne of Itharthan with the participation of Sharif Boubghla