Tizi Ouzou (Tizi amazigh.png, French: Tizi Ouzou) is a city and municipality that is a regional subordinate to the Tizi Ouzou district in the Algerian state of Tizi Ouzou. The city is located 100 km east of Algiers, 125 km west of Bejaia and 30 km south of the Mediterranean coast, with 135,088 inhabitants registered in 2008, Tizi Ouzou, the second most populous city after Bejaia in the Kabylie region. .
The state is located on the Middle East coast of
A country with a sea front of 85 km.
Limited by:
- The Mediterranean Sea in the north.
- Bouira state in the south.
- Boumerdes province to the west.
- Bejaia state to the east
The main town of the state is 110 km away
The capital Algiers.
The mandate covers an area of 2958 square kilometers.
Population and activities
The total population of the state is 259,152.1, with a density of 5,389
Population by km².
Labor Force (2008: 715,414 votes)
(2008): Occupiers Population
Population growth rate: 3.1%
Job creation during 2012 (source of mandate):
- Jobs created by the economy (classics): 5836
• Public sector: 1177
Private Sector: 318.4
- Jobs created by the different bodies: 542.30.