Skikda (in Tifinagh: ⵙⴽⵉⴽⴷⴰ) (in Amazigh: Tsepda-1), named after the ancient Phoenician by name, is located east of the Algerian coastline along about 140 km, and is the capital of the Wilayat of Skikda, which is characterized by two magnificent beaches in beauty. .
A state in the northeast of the country,
On the Mediterranean coast. Limited by:
• The Mediterranean Sea in the north.
• States of Constantine and Melilla
Guelma in the south.
• Jijel State in the West.
• Annaba to the east.
The administrative center of the state is 510 km away
West of Algiers.
The mandate covers an area of 118.4 square kilometers.
Population and activities
The population of the state is estimated to be about 045,964 (2012), a density
235 inhabitants per square kilometer.
Population growth rate: 00.1%
Active population: 307,547 inhabitants
Occupied population: 275,103 inhabitants.