
It is a popular Algerian delicatessen famous for the city of Busaada and many municipalities of the state of Mesila and the state of Djelfa.  Zufiti eaters are the most popular eaters in Posada, in addition to the Chakchoukhas.  Zafiti, the famous name in the region, in addition to the name of the Mahras Authority, is a traditional dish eaten by the population throughout the year as a symbol of traditional food symbols, As the women of custody or Messelia, which does not improve  the preparation of this kind of dishes are in the prevailing tradition of the far away from the authenticity of the land of brothel and traditions inherited, as housewives deliberately teach their daughters in the small, to provide it perfectly.  The mash is made from rheshas bread made with wheat flour without fermentation, and a range of spices in which chili is high.  The housewife adds dried tomatoes, garlic, watercress and water, and some areas such as Bouzada and its surroundings add green olives.  These spices are placed in a pan And add a little oil to be in the form of broth and mix with the crumbs of bread in the traditional wooden vessels cylindrical shape called the horse made from hardwood and hard, and offers a dish Zviti heated with milk  or milk as it reduces the temperature, and is taken by wooden spoons, It is sometimes considered N eating appetizers and a small amount is taken as a conqueror of appetite, but when the pan is traditional families laptops full meal in normal days and throughout the  year.  Even the Zufiti eaters or the authority of the masseurs are present even during the holy month of Ramadan or at night, and their expenses are commensurate with the purchasing power of all social groups .