
Constantine. Is an Algerian city and the third largest cities after each of Algiers and Oran, called the city of outstanding bridges and the capital of the Algerian East, and is considered one of the largest cities in Algeria, a census, called several names, including the city of ancient rock relative to the rock built above the city and the name of the Phoenician, Umm al-Hadhar Constantine is one of the oldest cities in the world and has been progressed by several civilizations.

Crossing from one bank to another, several bridges were built over the ages. Constantine now has more than 8 bridges, some of which are broken for lack of restoration, and some are still struggling with time. The valley of the sand passes over the old city of Constantine, topped by bridges at altitudes of more than 200 meters.

The city of Constantine organized a demonstration of the capital of Arab culture 2015, which began in April 2015 and concluded on 16 April 2016, where the city was known to organize several festivals and interactions by the participating Arab delegations, most of them organized by the new architectural masterpiece Ahmed Bay Hall (Zenit Constantine).

The state is the capital

East of the country. Limited by states


§ Skikda in the north.

§ The mandate of Umm Bouaghi in the south.

§ Mila state in the West.

§ Guelma to the east.

The administrative center of the state is 431 km away.

East of Algiers.

The mandate covers an area of 297.2 square kilometers.

Population and activities

The population of the state is estimated at 921,892 (RGPH, 2008).

The density is 397 per square kilometer.

Population growth rate: 5.1%

⇒ Labor Force (2007: 660,466 people).

Occupied population (2007: 260,420 people.