ALGERIA (MTAPOST) - An iconic architectural design with aesthetic aesthetics and the fruit of dialogue and tolerance among civilizations and religions, a sign of coexistence between Muslims and Christians ..
St. Augustine Church in Annaba is a source of civilized radiation, reflecting one of the most common languages of interfaith dialogue in the world. As a sign of coexistence and dialogue between civilizations and religions, Algeria is a Muslim country that embraces the church as an archaeological landmark and a religious center that preserves the memory of the bishop of Hippon from 395 to 430 AD.The church is located on the plateau of Boukhadra overlooking the port of the city of Annaba. Twenty years in which architects put their juices of engineering expertise to the end, the church expresses the unparalleled harmony between Arab-Maghreb and Byzantine engineering, making it a masterpiece that delves into the details of architectural innovation, the components of which have been carefully selected.
The project was mainly based on Algerian resources from white marble, red marble and even wood. The church includes a large prayer hall, a large mihrab that includes the mausoleum of St. Augustine, two small mihrabs, a mihrāb of the Virgin Mary and a left mihrāb, the chapel of Joseph and Jesus, as well as a school with students from all over the country and a house for the elderly beside the priest's house.
The Church of Augustine in Annaba is a living example of interfaith dialogue and is regarded by many adherents of Catholic Christianity as a cultural and cultural heritage regardless of religious differences. The church has undergone a lot of restoration after its details have been eroded by time. Perhaps the largest restoration was the one that began in 2010 and lasted until 2013. The massive restoration took place with the participation of Algerian specialists and Italian experts who restored the engineering spirit of the place, and redrawing the aesthetic details of the church which turned into A tourist castle and a religious center that is visited every year by thousands of tourists from all over the world.
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