resentation of the mandate
Geographical situation:
The state is located in the southwest of the country.
- North: the state of Bayad
- To the northwest of the province of Bashar
- Northeast: Ghardaia Province
- To the west: the state of Tindouf
- Southeast: Tamanrasset Province.
- South: Mali and Mauritania
The administrative center of the state is 1440 km away.
West of Algiers.
Wilayat Wilayat covers an area of 427368 km 2
Population and activities
The total population of the state is estimated at 936,443 people (2012), a density
04.1. Square kilometers.
⇒ Active population: 741,128 people.
⇒ Resident population: 115,867 inhabitants
Distribution of activity by sector:
Agriculture: 1%
Industry: 3%
BTPH: 69%
Services and management: 26.%