Blaoui El Houari ... is the father of the modern song Wahrania undisputed, participated in the manufacture of the glories of the song Algerian modern Basket of wonderful songs and distinct in its texts and melodies. He is the first to compose music in the history of contemporary Algerian music The features of Waqar on the face of Sheikh Balawi Hawari .. Speaking in a faint voice .. sober and quiet .. Smiling at times and chanting some old songs in another .. Sheikh Blawi Hawari is today the last and most important in the founding generation to experience the Wahraniya song series, which came out From her coat, later, the rai music that elevated Algeria and transferred it, in the early 1990s, to the ranks of the world. Despite the significant impact that Sheikh Blaoui was able to sign on the record of the Oran song, especially through the inclusion of the color of music in Algerian music in general, and possession of a record of composing at least 500 different songs, but the man still shows a lot of humility in recounting his memories, He speaks with great respect for other elders who have followed his time, like the late Ahmed Wahbi, who says: `` He was a very special voice. Unfortunately, we did not meet and talk a lot. The late Wehbe was linked to many concerns in France. '' Today, Blaoui Houari lives in the same year that gave birth to men who contributed to the curve of the twentieth century. He enriched the Algerian musical experience which culminated in him as a model in modernizing musical styles not only Algerian but also Maghreb. An artist's path ... He was born on 26 January 1926 in the neighborhood of Sidi Belal in the new city of Oran. He was raised in a family that loves music. His father, Mohamed Tazi, was playing the instrument of "Kuwaitra". His brother, "Kouider Blaoui," played "Banjo". Mandolin learned to play musical instruments and gained interest in him. His entry into the music world was not a coincidence but an inheritance. At the age of 13, he left school to work in his father's cafe next to the "bath of the clock" and was in charge of changing the discs on the phonograph. He began to listen to the celebrity CDs of the singers, at this stage he was the child of Blaue NHL from a particular folklore music and Western. In the "conquest hall" received the first prize "Radio Krouch. In 1942, when the American landing on North Africa joined the employ in the port of Oran as a eyebrow, and began to learn to play the piano and accordion and went to accompany the singer Maurice Madioni. In the 1940s he was celebrating weddings and family events with a modern ensemble and was singing Bedouin songs and texts of the poets of the melons and then he was famous for the song "B Dag almoor" by Sheikh Ben Samir. In 1943, he founded a modern band with the help of his brother "Mazouz" and the international referee "Kouider Ben Zalat". In 1949, he was entrusted with the formation and leadership of the band, and recorded his first record (45 laps) with the Pathé marconi Foundation, in which he sang the song "Rani Muheir". At Al Falah School, where men and graduates graduated, Balawi saturated with the spirit of the son of the country and learned how to use his art to serve the people. In the neighborhood of Sidi Bilal, Balawi met with the hard-working people of Oran and was interacting with the music of Girgabou, Kellal and Bedouin songs in this neighborhood, which represents the popular face of Bahia Oran. All these factors and others have made Balawi, the son of Oran, spoiled, loved and respected by all the people of Oran and the Algerians, and appreciated by people and senior artists. After independence, the Regional Radio and Television Department of Oran was assigned to it in 1967 and the National Theater of Algiers in 1967. In 1970, Algeria participated in the international exhibition in Osaka, Japan, for seven months. Mr. Blaoui composed more than 500 songs, including what he sang with his voice, including those sung by young singers such as: Sabah Al-Saghira, Jahida, Khaled, Houari Ben .... Most of the songs Balawi texts from the heritage of the salt of the great poets such as: Abdul Qader al-Khalidi, Sheikh Miloud, Lakhdar bin Khallouf, Mustafa bin Ibrahim Kaddour bin Samir. Blaoui will still remain a pillar in the history of modern Algerian music alongside Mr. Ahmed Wehbe, who represent the history of the rich Wahrania. Blawi was more authentic and more devout than him. What is certain is that he participated in the birth of an independent Algerian song, a personal and contemporary of beautiful times since the fifties to the present day ... sang a lot and melody a lot ... His melodic style was influenced by folklore in Oran and the Algerian west, but he took other methods of composing outside of this range ... which he classifies as a composer with an experience of varying localities. It is noteworthy that Blaoui Houari is the first composer to introduce the color of music in Algerian music, where it was unknown in Algeria during the colonial period and thus participated in the restoration of the Algerian people cultural and musical sovereignty derived from Arabic music ... The 1960s were simple means and a simpler ensemble, but how beautiful this experience was, and the idea and discovery was more beautiful Blawi and King ... And Balawi Hawari presented his own imprint in all editions of the local cultural festival of music and song Wahrania, which took place in the open air theater Hosni Chakroun, Who made a special achievement on the occasion of the festival by presenting his five granddaughters, to honor this able artist afterwards The last appearance of Sheikh Balawi in which more than 20,000 people from various Western states attended the evening King Khalid, which was open air theater Hosni Chakroun to flood the theater and the streets nearby. With which Khaled sang in a cohesion between father, son, teacher and pupil, the song "Zabana" was the mix that symbolizes the continuation of generations.