– 400 000 years AC: First human presence after the discovery at Ternifine Lake in Orania of bones and stone tools of the Atlanthrope, contemporary primitive man of Sinanthrope.

– 200,000 AC: Presence of Paleolithic hunters.
– Millennial city AC: The Capsiens, ancestors of the Numidians, spread in the Maghreb.

– 6000-1500 AC: Beginning of the breeding, engravings and Neolithic rock paintings.

– 1500-1000 AC: The Amazighs populate the country.

– 1100-800 AC: Arrival of Phoenicians along the coast

– 800-500 AC: Carthaginian trading republic.

– 200-148 AC: Massinissa, ally of the Romans in the 2nd Punic war, founds the kingdom of Numidia. Carthage declares war, setting off the 3rd Punic War.

– 105-25 AC: Reign of the Berber kings and princes as allies or vassals of the Romans.

– 25-24 AC: Juba II king of Numidia then of Mauritania.

– 148-1 OS AC: Jugurtha, grandson of Massinissa, reunites Numidia, but ended up being beaten by Rome

– 81: The Roman legion installs its headquarters in Lambèse, later capital of Numidia. The rest of Algeria, Mauretania, is governed from Cèsarée (Cherchell).

– 323: Christianity becames official religion under Emperor Constantine.

– 429-533: Invasion of the vandals, beaten in 533. Byzantium reconquer the country.

– 533-660: Berber confederations took the interior of Algeria.

– 647: Arrival of the Arabs who spread in the Maghreb and convert it to Islam.

– 911-972: Reign of the Fatimids and creation of the city of Algiers in 935.

– 972-1050: The Fatimids leave Algeria for Egypt, leave the power to the Zirids.

– 1050-1060: Invasion of Beni Hilal from Upper Egypt.

 1060-1150: The Almoravids reunify North Africa, and take power.

– 1505: The Spaniards take Mers-El-Kebir, and hunt the Moors.

– 1518: Barbarossa, founder of the Regency of Algiers, places the city under the protection of the Ottoman Sultan of Istanbul.

– 1830-1902: France occupies Algiers (1830) then the other cities until Hoggar (1902).

– Algerians are militarily resistant to the occupation.

 November 1, 1954: Launch of the Algerian revolution.

– July 5, 1962: Proclamation of independence.

– 15 September 1962: Proclamation of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria.

– November 28, 1996: Referendum on the fifth constitution of Algeria.

– 1989: Proclamation of the multiparty system.

– 16 September 1999: Adoption by referendum of the law on civil concord.